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A member registered Jun 20, 2019

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Still stucked in temple of light, games freez.

I Got same issue, be sure to click fire only once and listen to the story and than fire again. My game is freezing in temple of light

Please help, i got the same problem with cassette.

Ive Just bought a tape from binaryzone, i hope it solve the problem, cheers

(1 edit)

i'm not sure if it's glitching or what but when i enter the temple of light black screen appears. i'm playing .tap version, can anyone help please? BTW it's awsome game i have a party on 6th and i'm not sure if the EZ flash will be delivered till this date... Cheer, Best Regards and Many Thanks. I also can't save on tape...

Wow thats fast answear, thank you :) ive already "bought" the game either way.  You doing great job


(1 edit)

if i convert into .tap will it work on my cassets player?